Saturday, March 31, 2012

Homemade Pizza & Meal Plan

My meal plan took a major hit when William got super sick this week.  So we've been flying by the seat of our pants.  The turkey burger recipe was a MAJOR fail (super gross and bland - the entire clan concurred).  So I won't bother sharing that recipe.  But, tonight, I made a REALLY good homemade pizza!

I used the homemade french bread dough for the crust, some of my homemade spaghetti sauce, and tracked down the whole milk mozzarella we like.  I sprinkled the pizza stone with corn meal and preheated it for 20 minutes.  Then I rolled out the pizza dough, put a thin coat of olive oil in it - a little bit of sea salt, onion powder, and garlic power on top of the olive oil.  Then I dotted the crust with a fork so I wouldn't get big bubbles and put on the sauce, the cheese, and a handful of parmesan too.  I cooked it for 13 minutes at 425 and it came out brown and bubbly!  YUM!  I *may* have overdone it a bit and am feeling a tad sickly-full and bloated.  Some peppermint tea is in my near future.

I am doing something new with the meal plan this week. I never really plan breakfasts or lunches - I just get some stuff I like and hope for leftovers for the rest.  But, what often happens is that I end up foodless for some of those meals and the result is either me being really hungry or eating something gross.  One day last week I had a banana and peanut butter for lunch.  It was a wakeup call, people.  So, this week, I am preparing! I am making a giant batch of oatmeal pancakes tomorrow and reheating them throughout the week for breakfast.  I'll share if they're any good.  Then, I still plan to rely most heavily on leftovers for lunch, but I am going to buy an emergency stash of Amy's frozen meals and Evol burritos (both of which are good, relatively healthy, and can be frozen for months and pulled out when I need them).  And for dinners, here is the meal plan for this week:

Sunday: Chicken Parmesan with more leftover spaghetti sauce, a side of spaghetti, and green salad
Monday: Tuna melts
Tuesday: Cory's quasi-invented tandoori shrimp recipe.  Jess shared a good tandoori shrimp recipe with me a few weeks ago, but it calls for fresh shrimp.  All I have is frozen.  So I am tweaking it a bit - we'll see how it turns out. I'll serve it with rice and a veg
Wednesday: Leftover homemade pierogi with caramelized onions, applesauce, and sour cream
Thursday: out!
Friday: after tonight's yummy pizza, The Boys have requested it for next Friday as well.  
Saturday: heading up to visit my in-laws!

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